To make an exchange, please go to the Exchange section (sidebar on the left) in their Delos profile.

The process consists of 2 steps. First, please choose the source wallet and the recipient wallet, fill in the exchange amount. Note that the fee is represented in the final amount above the Continue button. Like in this example, USD ↔︎ USDT exchange rate is 1:1 but as exchange rate is set as 0.3%, the final amount is 1003$. Remember that we charge both percentage fee and fixed fee if both types were stated in the agreement.

Please make sure you have enough funds on the balance to cover the fee. If you see the “insufficient funds” error, this is the first thing to check.



In the next step, you check the data you filled in.


After that, you’ll see the notification of successful exchange transfer.


Also, you’ll be able to see this in your Payments (transaction history) section.


Note that Exchange should be almost instant. So, in case after 10 minutes the status is not Success, please contact customer success team for investigation.